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More than engineering

One of the leading Hungarian engineering bureaus in building- and bridge design with more than 35 years of experience. A full-service company offering design and engineering services, project management and consultation. A creative community built on a unique company philosophy, called Value-System.

As one of the first companies within Hungary to be using Building Information Model (BIM), we strive towards innovation and creativity by using the newest technologies in our profession.

Our clients worldwide

CÉH Headquarter

Others about CÉH

I love working with CÉH colleagues as they are like a huge company of friends where people are attached to one another in different ways. We pay attention and even give help to one another, if necessary. There are many of us with wide expertise and this is why we are able to find the solution to each problem.
This is the case when I’m only a minor contributor in the system or even when I am the party that asks CÉH to offer a subcontractor or designer for my own project.

TILIA Kertészeti BT.

Krisztina Wallner
Landscape and Garden Engineer
I’ve been working for CÉH zRt. for about twenty years. During this period I’ve been given the opportunity to make plans together with CÉH engineers, colleagues or almost friends for the facilities of outstanding clients such as TESCO, Bridgeston, Hankook, Apollo, Lego and SMP. It is a special feeling that I can again meet old hands and discuss the questions of current projects in the conference room – as a result, time is given quite another meaning! And it is true that CÉH is a constantly changing, innovative and stable team which one is keen on belonging to!

Thanks so much!

VG Projekt Kft.

Gábor Verebi
“CÉH Zrt. performed high-quality professional work when designing our Sports Hall, meeting all the requirements of the client and of the professional review boards (Tiszáninnen Reformed Church District, National Advisory Board of Monument and Heritage Protection, chief architect of the city). The building they created perfectly fits its environment, it has a very clear and simple design, and yet it is practical. In the course of the design process and the construction, not only was the professional work of the company’s staff excellent, they also had an exemplary attitude. We would like to express our thanks again to the management and staff of the company.”

Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziumáért Alapítvány (Foundation for the Secondary Grammar School of the Reformed College of Sárospatak)

BUZÁSNÉ NAGY Gabriella, Chair of the Board, SRKG Foundation, on behalf of the Foundation