A megújult, modernizált Hungexpo kongresszusi központ megnyitotta kapuit.

The revitalized, modernized Hungexpo Congress Centre opened its doors.
During the development, the existing pavilions were renovated and revived, and two new exhibition halls were built. A new congress centre has been established and the complex has expanded with a truly form-breaking, modern reception building.
The capacity of the plenary hall is 2048 people. With the installation of the unique ‘Gala Seats’ seating system, the chairs can be rotated and lowered to the level of the stage with a touch of a button. Thus, a 2.000 square meters event hall can be created in a few minutes from a practical gradual design which is made for lectures and conferences. The largest permanent LED wall in Hungary (72 square meters) was placed on the wall behind the stage.
During the development our colleagues of CÉH Project Management Department has performed technical inspection tasks.
About the investment you can read more HERE.