A Tatabánya Multifunkcionális Sportcsarnok tervezéséről, a kihívásokról, a csarnok érdekességeiről beszél az Octogon legfrissebb számában Annus Marina és Balogh Ferenc.

Marina Annus and Ferenc Balogh talk about the design of the Tatabánya Multifunctional Sports Hall, the challenges and the interesting features of the hall in the latest issue of Octogon.
Designing a building on the scale of a stadium is a highly complex task requiring all-discipline planning and complex workflows. In the case of the Tatabánya Multifunctional Sports Hall, the facility was the result of the joint work of several designers. Marina Annus was in charge of the approval plans, while Ferenc Balogh was in charge of the construction plans. In addition, the project gave the opportunity to a young architect, Ákos Páll, to show his talent. This change was accompanied by an exemplary design process that ensured the hall's impeccable quality. We congratulate them and the engineers of our Design Department.