BIM KITEMARK – újabb minősítést szerzett csapatunk
BIM KITEMARK – Our Team has been achieved a new certification.
For the first time in Central and Eastern Europe, this week we were able to officially receive our unique certification, BIM KITEMARK from BSI (British Standards Institution).
With the certification from the world’s leading global business standard organization, CÉH Ltd. is pioneer in Hungary and the region. Our BIM ISO 19650-1 and -2 certification, also first achieved in 2020, validated our skills and knowledge in BIM workflows, application of digitization and information management. This year, Kitemark audit examined the right adoption of our BIM skills to our live projects. By obtaining the KITEMARK, it is reaffirmed that we apply the BIM methodology properly.
We would like to congratulate our BIM Team who participated in the process, and we also thank the BSI certification team for their efficient and smooth cooperation.