Ingatlanfejlesztési nívódíjat nyert a Budafoki kocsiszín.

The tramway maintenance station in Budafok won the real estate development award.
We are proud that our application with FÖMTERV Zrt. won the first prize at XXIIIrd FIABCI Hungarian Prix d’Excellence in transport facility category. We participated in the permitting, construction, and tender planning phase of the tramway maintenance station in Budafok as a subcontractor in the field of architecture and statics. In the construction design phase, as a general designer, we performed construction related design modification tasks.
At the awards ceremony, the special prize of the Jury was won by the Hard Rock Hotel. Our Project Management Department’s engineers performed the design project management and technical inspection tasks of the hotel.
The Attila Kovács award, founded this year, was given to the development of St. Michael Church and Sacristy House in Sopron. Our Project Management Department performed technical inspection tasks related to the construction.
Congratulations to all colleagues for their outstanding performance.