The winners of the XXV FIABCI Hungarian Real Estate Development Award Competition were announced on 22 November. The Hungarian and international professional jury awarded the best Hungarian real estate developments in 11 categories, which will be able to compete in the international finals in Singapore next year. In addition, several special prizes were awarded among the applicants.

The following works of CÉH zRt. were recognised:

In the overall competition of the categories:

1st place: modernisation of the Hungarian State Opera House (Project Management, CÉH+BIM, 3D laser scanning)

2nd place: redevelopment of the South Klotild Palace - Matild Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel (Project Management)

3rd place: MOL Campus (Project Management)

Based on the votes of the Applicants:

1st place: Modernisation of the Hungarian State Opera House (Project Management, CÉH+BIM, 3D laser scanning)

3rd place: Matild Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel (Project Management)

Culture and Heritage Protection category:

 1st place: Modernisation of the Hungarian State Opera House

 Industrial category:

1st place: the Eiffel Workshop of the Hungarian State Opera House (Project Management)

Office Building Category:

1st place: MOL Campus (Project Management)

 Hotel category:

1st place: redevelopment of the South Klotild Palace - Matild Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel (Project Management)

Special Award of the Hungarian Green Building Consortium (HUGBC) for the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus (High-rise building design, CÉH+BIM).

Hungarian State Opera House

Project Management: CÉH Zrt.

Investor: Hungarian State Opera House       

Planner: ZDA-Zoboki Építésziroda Kft.

Constructor: West Hungária Bau Kft., ÉPKAR Zrt., LAKI Zrt.

After five years of reconstruction, Hungary's most important public building, the Hungarian State Opera House, has been reborn. The design concept, based on extensive research, aimed to revitalise the 138-year-old building by "thinking with Miklós Ybl" and using its resources, while meeting the technological and audience needs of the 21st century theatre. The ZDA worked with a range of experts, artists and restorers on one of the most challenging reconstructions of the decade.

As part of the reconstruction, the building has been completely renovated inside and out. This includes the Auditorium, the 'heart' of the Opera House. The space has been completely renewed, both architecturally and acoustically. The walls of the orchestra pit and the edge of the stage were restored to their original position.

After five years of reconstruction, Hungary's most important public building - and its immediate surroundings - have been completely reborn, once again providing a worthy venue for Hungarian opera and the Hungarian and international opera-loving public. Equipped with 21st century technology, the building continues to host major world-class performances and artistic events, and remains an important destination not only for art lovers but also for tourists visiting the capital.

Financing the development

The project was 100% government funded.

Duration of the project

Start date: 02.10.2017.

End date: 10.11.2022.

MOL Campus

Project Management: CÉH Zrt.

Investor: MOL Campus Kft.

Designer: Finta and Partners Architect Studio

Contractor: Market Építő Zrt.

Operator: B+N Referencia Zrt.

Sustainability expert and certifier: ÓBUDA Group

The completed MOL Campus is a high-rise building consisting of a 28-storey tower and a 5-storey podium section with a 143-metre-high top section. The campus, now the tallest building in Hungary, is located on the northern shore of Lágymányosi Bay, next to the Kopaszi Dam and Infopark. The design is a collaboration between Foster + Partners and Finta and Partners Architects. The reinforced concrete building has the shape of an inverted champagne bottle. An outstanding achievement is that the building has been designed in a closed BIM environment on the REVIT platform for the main BIM authoring disciplines. The BIM model created by Finta Studio is an international benchmark.

Innovative technical and ecological solutions

100% of the rainwater falling on the site is treated on site, part of it is absorbed by the green areas on the site and the rest is collected in the basement of the building and used for irrigation and toilet flushing through the grey water network installed in the building - reducing the load on the municipal sewerage system and the amount of potable water used for irrigation and flushing.

The building's cycling infrastructure - bike storage, changing rooms, lockers, showers - and more than 45 parking spaces with electric car chargers contribute to a healthy lifestyle for the building's employees and reduce carbon emissions from transport.

Use of renewable energy

Approximately 40% of the building's annual heating and cooling energy consumption is provided by a ground-source heat pump system. Roof-mounted solar panels save 5-6% of annual electricity consumption, with the remainder of the electricity requirement sourced 100% from green energy sources.

Waste to energy, heat recovery and other energy recovery

The office air used by the building's central ventilation system, which has already preheated the fresh air, is used to heat the parking levels. The large amounts of high-temperature waste heat from kitchen processes are recovered through a heat exchanger to heat the fresh air outside before it is discharged.

More than 300 geothermal probes have been drilled in and around the building at depths of 100 and 120 metres, using the heat from the ground in winter and the cooler ground energy in summer to heat and cool the building. This is complemented by cooling towers, district heating connections and an energy management system that always operates the system at the most efficient energy use.

The building is equipped with a grey water network so that the water from hand basins and showers is recycled when the toilets are flushed, saving the energy that would have been needed to purify it with water.

In addition, over 700 solar panels with a total capacity of 270 kWp have been installed on the roof of the podium section of the building. 

Materials used 

During the construction of the tower, 98% of construction waste was recycled. More than 23% of the building materials used were made from recycled materials.

Active engineering and control elements for environmentally friendly operation  

The building's mechanical systems are controlled by a centralised automation system, ensuring that indoor comfort requirements are met at all times with the lowest possible energy consumption.

Construction start and completion

Start date: 02.07.2018.

Completion date: 09.12.2022. 

Financing and sale and lease of the development

MOL Campus is 100% self-financed, with no loans or grants. 

Bosch Campus

Investor: Robert Bosch Kft.

Designer: CÉH Zrt.

Contractor: Market Építő Zrt.

Operator: Robert Bosch Kft.

Construction Management: ÓBUDA Group

Bosch was looking for a large plot of land close to its existing Budapest Development Centre, located in the Xth district at the corner of Gyömrő út and Sibrik Miklós út, which would offer ideal expansion possibilities for its research and development activities. A site was chosen on the opposite side of Sibrik Miklós Street, next to the Kőbánya-Kispest junction, where a textile factory used to operate. The Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus was commissioned by Robert Bosch Kft. The campus was built by Market Építő Zrt. according to the plans of CÉH Zrt.

The development fits in well with the regulatory plan of the district, as the free-standing development provides a lot of green space. Open and covered pedestrian passages have been created between the different parts of the building. These not only provide functionality, but also visually link the interior and exterior areas, provide access from Sibrik Street to the green courtyard, and ensure pedestrian connectivity within the campus.

Carbon neutral building

The project's green certification target is Gold level in the German DGNB green building certification system. Accordingly, a key consideration was to centralise the energy supply in a single energy centre to ensure maximum operational reliability and efficiency. Sustainability and energy-efficient operation were achieved through excellent thermal insulation, environmental building management solutions - equipment controlled by outdoor temperature sensing, automated lighting and shading systems, and heat recovery ventilation.

Construction start and completion


  • Demolition: 2018
  • Construction: 2019 - 2022

Completion: August 2022

Financing and sale and lease of the development

The real estate development is 100% Bosch's own investment to serve 100% of its own activities, so no land has been sold or leased.

The following objectives have been achieved through the concept:

  • To create a healthy environment by providing environmentally friendly workplaces.
  • An efficient and balanced urban structure - a compact city with new economic functions integrated into the urban fabric.
  • From an urban development point of view, the regeneration of brownfield sites, in which the demolition of the textile mill and the development of the site fit perfectly.
  • Creation of technological innovation and knowledge transfer to serve the company's R&D specialisation.

Matild Palace Luxury Hotel

Project management: CÉH Zrt.

Designers: Péter Dajka and Dr. Antal Puhl

Contractor: Melden Construction Kft.

Investor: Melis Investment Kft.

One of Budapest's most patriarchal historical buildings is being transformed into a luxury hotel by the Turkish Ozyer Group. The renovation will include the design of guest rooms, the renewal of the café, new restaurants, a wellness area and a rooftop bar.

Hungarian State Opera House, Erkel Theatre new workshop and rehearsal centre

Designer: Középülettervező Zrt.

Investor: Opera Vagyonkezelő Kft.

Contractor: STRABAG Consortium

Project management: CÉH Zrt.

The new workshop hall and rehearsal centre of the Hungarian State Opera and Erkel Theatre is located in the Eiffel Hall in Kőbánya, the country's largest industrial monument. The 130-year-old hall was designed by János Feketeházy, who worked in Eiffel's office, hence its name. The building, which was MÁV's former Northern Railway Rolling Stock Repair Shop for decades, is now undergoing a 14.5 billion euro renovation to provide the Opera House with a new world-class technical, artistic and recreational space, professionally equipped with all the necessary facilities. Our company is acting as project manager on behalf of the client.
