Adapting buildings to the climate crisis - the designer can use everything from vegetation to renewable energy to building automation systems
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Interview on TrendFM with Ákos Takács, Sustainability Director of CÉH zRt.
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"We can no longer be preventive enough, so more attention needs to be paid to adapting to the already inevitable consequences."
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Our 2023 ESG report is ready
In December last year, the Hungarian legislature adopted the so-called ESG Act1, which is a significant step towards making the actions of key economic actors towards sustainability more transparent and comparable. The ESG is the framework of sustainability directives and regulations in force in the European Union, and one of ...
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The Tomori Pal Danube bridge linking Paks and Kalocsa also includes significant innovations from a sustainability point of view
Rudolf Kiss, Chief Bridge Engineer, CÉH Zrt.Modern technology supports green solutions in the design and construction phaseThe latest bridge over the Danube, the Tomori Pál Bridge between Kalocsa and Paks, is due to be inaugurated in the first week of June. The launching ceremony of the bridge ...
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ESG sets a new course for the construction industry
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