North Lake Balaton railway stations
Motorway M31, Engineering structures (22)
Bridges (5) along Motorway M0, section between Highway no. 51 and Motorway M5
Nagykovácsi water utility project
M6 motorway - Engineering structures (17) (Bátaszék - Bóly)
Győr - underpass
Debrecen Airport - firefighter's barracks
Motorway M0 - 21 Engineering structures, Eastern sector (M5 - no. 4 highway)
Nagykovácsi surface drainage
Underground line 5
M6 motorway, engineering structures (29), (M0 - Érd plateau)
Feasibility study of tram
Motorway M60, Engineering structures (22), (Bóly- Pécs)
Reconstruction of 12 MÁV railway stations along the Rákos-Hatvan line
Motorway M0, Engineering structures (4), Northern sector
Motorway M0 - Engineering structures (15), Eastern sector (Highway no. 4, Vecsés-Üllő bypass)
G50 hall upgrade for AUDI Hungaria Plant in Győr
Engineering structures (13) along Motorway M3, section between Görbeháza and Nyíregyháza
Budafok Remise
New Danube Bridge following the alignment of Galvani Road in Budapest – approval, permit and tender design
Motorway M7 - Engineering structures (24), (Nagykanizsa- Becsehely)