Wáberer György Sports Centre, Reformed College of Sárospatak
The plan elaborated for the development of the Reformed College of Sárospatak looks very good, and is an example to follow by all with the overwhelming momentum and energy put in improving the quality and overall standard of education. Sports development project for the Reformed College of Sárospatak: Construction of an appr. 2,850 sqm sports hall featuring a reinforced concrete frame structure, brick in-fill walls, RC intermediate slabs and a trapezoidal sheet metal flat roof.
Parameters of the project:
- suitable for accommodating spectacular sports events,
- gym arena and grandstand designed for an audience of 500,
- divisible gym to provide an opportunity for conducting three PE classes simultaneously,
- as a public place, also suitable for accommodating community events (appr. 1,000 to 1,200 people to attend festive occasions or artistic performances),
- Lobby – large area demand, medical room, canteen and other regulations.
CÉH zRt. took an active part in the preparation of building permit designs and preliminary tender documentation.