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Bosch Miskolc logistics centre

The general designer of the nearly 100,000 square meter, highly digitalized logistics hall was CÉH zRt. In the Design&Build construction, our client was the main contractor GOLDBECK Hungária Kft. Through this large-scale investment, a modern distribution center serving 26 countries was established in the Miskolc Industrial Park, where numerous Industry 4.0 solutions are applied. Utilizing the site's capabilities, the hall's capacity can be expanded by an additional 20% in the future. In addition to storage and distribution functions, the building also includes several thousand square meters of packaging and printing areas.

During the design of the new facility in Miskolc, special attention was paid to ensuring that it aligns with broader sustainability goals. Energy efficiency, waste management, and green logistics were given the same priority as improving service levels, cost efficiency, and market expansion.

Builder: Robert Bosch Power Tool Kft.

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