Kalocsa-Paks New Danube Bridge
The new bridge crossing the Danube in the region of Paks and Kalocsa will have a uniform, artistic appearance despite its various types of structural elements. The bridge will have an approximate total length of 946 meters, and in addition to the public road with one lane in each direction, bidirectional bicycle paths will be constructed on both sides. The 9-span bridge has 3 structural parts: the flood-zone bridge on the left bank, the river bridge, and the flood-zone bridge on the right bank.
The superstructure of the 440-meter-long extradosed (prestressed and cable-stayed) river-bridge has 3 spans with parabolic arches above the river piers. The main load-bearing element is a twin-cell box girder, where the sloped and middle walls consist of trapezoidal steel sheets, while the upper part is a cantilever floor slab made of reinforced concrete. Concerning the construction and structural loads, the superstructure is constructed of a reinforced concrete floor slab with prestressed longitudinal cables and fixed inserts, while tensioned sliding cables run freely in the box girdle to counter the effects of the payload.
The main designer of the bridge is CÉH zRt. The river bridge was designed by our colleagues working in our Bridge Design Department under the management of Dr Sándor Kisbán, a specialist senior engineer and responsible designer. A TEKLA model has already been drawn up for the steel elements of the bridge’s superstructure, and the production plans will be made accordingly.